A Leading Community by Choice
Through collaboration, we strive to provide exceptional public services and enhance the distinctive character of our community.
Integrity, Community, Service, Teamwork, Communication, Innovative
Strategic Priorities
Financial Strength and Operational Excellence
Economic Vitality
Effective Infrastructure Network
Community Character
Emerging Issues
Action steps
Financial strength and operational excellence
Focus on staff recruitment, retention, development, department collaborations, and safety programs to improve workplace culture and morale.
- Investigate programs to recruit non-traditional employees and within schools.
- Within six months of adoption of strategic plan, investigate potential vacation buyback program.
- Implement a job swap program for employees.
- Hold employee appreciation luncheons twice yearly.
- Investigate ways to implement a flex-hours or work from home program for applicable employees.
Improve and modernize our workplace including seeking accreditations for operational excellence, developing a performance and reward-based evaluation process, and furthering integration of IT systems into our operating departments.
- Develop a committee to research best practices and accreditation programs.
- Develop and implement a performance and reward-based evaluation process for general employees by July 1, 2023, with intent to negotiate this process for uniformed groups in the future.
- Re-evaluate 311 and Enterprise Asset Management (E.A.M.) to determine how we can integrate these systems into our operating departments.
- Revise and update our website using newest technologies and integrations to improve citizen satisfaction and e-gov capabilities.
Develop annual communications and feedback systems to include a standard report to citizens, community survey, and employee survey.
- Create and publish annual digital report on overall City and departmental achievements, progress, and goals. Summary of report to be circulated in utility bill.
- Create and distribute an annual survey to obtain citizen feedback and requests for all City departments. Individual departments may also be surveyed individually as part of a larger survey plan.
- Create and distribute survey for employees to rate their department and the City as an overall employer by July 1, 2023.
- Develop feedback cards for golf course, library and other City services as appropriate.
- Continue to enhance, improve, and promote City Beat and grow subscription base by
10 percent.
Adopt governance best practices relating to debt, financial targets, multi-year plans, and a comprehensive Council handbook.
- Develop and adopt formal policies pertaining to:
- Formal debt policy based on GFOA authoritative guidance.
- Formal policy requiring that utility rate studies be conducted at least every five years and requiring Council to utilize periodic rate studies to adopt multiyear rate plans.
- Formal capital planning policy requiring that a five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) be prepared by staff and adopted by the City Council concurrently with the budget every year.
- Future budgets should include five-year projections of revenue and expenditures for major operating funds to assist the council and staff in better planning for the future.
- City Council will adopt a City Council Handbook that will help to guide current and future City Councils. City manager will work with mayor to schedule a Council workshop to discuss this item within one year of adoption of Strategic Plan.
Effective infrastructure Network
Develop Asset Management Program for infrastructure
- The intent of the asset management program is to compile age, material, condition, and service life of the City’s infrastructure (facilities, airport, streets, storm drain, wastewater, water, signals, signs, etc.) into ESRI’s GIS software to aide in planning improvement priority and capital needs.
- Staff will determine what items need to be tracked, what data exists, and what data needs to be collected.
- Select consultant to collect and populate data into ESRI.
- Facilities, streets, storm drains, wastewater and water.
- Signs and signals
Improve road conditions as captured by Pavement Condition Index (PCI).
- Improve road conditions as captured by Pavement Condition Index.
- Complete PCI update currently under contract.
- Once complete, develop several PCI score scenarios — maintain existing, desired PCI in five years and desired PCI in 10 years) with capital investment requirements.
Economic Vitality
Reevaluate our development regulatory policies to ensure all rules, regulations, and processes align with best practices and reflect the character of our community.
- Update the City’s comprehensive plan and other long-range plans utilizing accepted best practices
- Staff will develop an Request For Proposals to select a consultant.
- Present recommendations to the Council.
- Update zoning, subdivision, and other ordinances and codes which regulate private development and land use following the updated comprehensive land use plan.
Collaborate with economic development partners and experts to optimize development.
- Identify economic development partners and assign City employee to act as economic development liaison. Liaison shall act as conduit between economic development partners, developer, and City departments.
- Convene a meeting with all economic development partners to determine how best to support their efforts and to define the expectations for all parties.
- Ongoing coordination between liaison and economic development partners.
Develop and implement strategies to retain and attract young professionals and families to Bartlesville.
- Identify community partners who employ and recruit young professionals.
- Engage with community partners to learn how the City can attract young professionals and families.
- Examine ways to make the community more enticing for businesses and restaurants that attract young professionals and families.
- Work closely with Bartlesville Development Authority and Visit Bartlesville to promote their efforts and accomplishments.
Community Character
Explore opportunities to embrace the unique cultures of our community.
- Coordinate a multi-cultural group to highlight the diverse cultures in our community.
- Use this group to support/identify cultural needs that are unmet.
- Partner/support this group for an annual event.
- Allocate city resources for support group, such as facilities, properties, venues, etc.
Develop and maintain healthy lifestyle options as a segment of our parks, recreation and transportation systems.
- As part of the update to the City’s comprehensive and other plans identified in Economic Vitality, update the Parks Master Plan to ensure that lifestyle options and parks and recreation systems are meeting the needs of the public.
- Create a Trails/Multi-model plan that incorporates existing assets and plans such as bicycle plan.
- Review, evaluate, and update the Bicycle Plan.
Ensure and maintain clean, bright, vibrant community spaces.
- Address vandalism and criminal activities in our community spaces, including destruction or defacement of public restrooms, violations of park curfews, etc.
- Improve security measures at public restrooms using automatic locks combined with motion and smoke detectors.
- Police to respond to all calls at public restrooms generated by new systems
- Offenders, especially repeat offenders, will be prosecuted for vandalism, arson, trespassing, etc.
- Coordinate citizen volunteer efforts to supplement our maintenance efforts and to improve the appearance of our city. These could include periodic clean up days, adopt a mile programs, adopt a path programs, etc.
- Staff to list and prioritize possible programs.
- Adopt formal policy for selected program(s).
- Advertise, promote, operate, and publicly report on the success of this program.
- Establish Neighborhood Watch and Sentinel Program.
- Finalize implementation of and launch Software 311 and City App.
- Create a list of minimum maintenance intervals for our parks and rights-of-way..
Emerging Issues
Partner with community groups to discuss, evaluate and report on existing needs and potential solution that address: Child Care, Housing, Homelessness, and others to be determined.
- Child Care:
- Collaborate with local groups to help find solutions to the local child care shortage.
- Help advocate for reform of child care regulations that act as barriers to new facilities.
- Housing:
- Evaluate local housing supply and demand to determine gaps in local housing stock by price level.
- Homelessness:
- Collaborate with local groups seeking to reduce homelessness, including “United Way” and “B the Light.”
- Review existing laws and enforcement policies and retrain police officers to better handle crimes committed by those without shelter.
- Utilize the mental health team data from the Police Department to better understand the problem, to determine how many are homeless in Bartlesville and how they came to be without shelter in Bartlesville.
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