ODOT bridge rehab impacting local motorists, businesses
The bridge project on Highway 75 is negatively impacting motorists and businesses in the area. When will it be finished?
TBL — The above comment is a compilation of several, ahem, “opinions” received by City staff since the Oklahoma Department of Transportation began work on the Turkey Creek Bridge Rehabilitation project last month.
The project, which consists of replacing the deck of the existing Turkey Creek bridge and the rehabilitation of the bridge structure, has traffic reduced to one lane on U.S. Highway 75 from Adams Road to just north of the Eastland Shopping Center’s west entrance.
And, well, let’s just say not everybody is happy about it.
Citizen calls about the matter are always welcome at the City of Bartlesville, but City staff is unable to change the work flow, the duration of the project or its eventual outcome. The bridge rehab is an ODOT project, with work being completed by ODOT contractor, Paradigm Construction. The City of Bartlesville is not involved in the project in any way.
The rehab is a 180-day project, with incentives in place to finish early. However, motorists (and others) in the area recently may have noticed that work at the site appears to have stopped. A check with the City of Bartlesville’s Engineering Department on Monday revealed that City officials were recently advised that the beams supporting the bridge are in “worse condition than originally thought,” which has slowed progress. It is anticipated crews will resume work soon.
Worth noting: Every business in the area is accessible from either U.S. 75 (aka Washington Boulevard) or Frank Phillips Boulevard, east and west of the highway. Also, for safety reasons, the Pathfinder trail under the bridge is barricaded (closed) for the duration of the project.
Email questions to kwilliams@cityofbartlesville.org, mail to City of Bartlesville, Attn: Kelli Williams, 401 S. Johnstone Ave., Bartlesville, OK 74003, or call 918.338.4132. Your identity and other personal information will not be published.