Street maintenance & projects
Proper street maintenance is a top priority for the City of Bartlesville, and efforts are made to continually identify needs and allocate general funds for on-going maintenance projects
Prioritization of street projects are based on engineering data consisting of but not limited to:
- Functional use
- Traffic counts
- Pavement condition assessment and deterioration models
- City staff input regarding the likely causes of the pavement distress or deterioration and the recommended repair combined with the anticipated project cost
Street project selection
- The Pavement Management Analysis Report*
- Recommendations from the Street and Traffic Committee
- Citizen complaints
- Internal/staff assessment of road use and condition and considering whether or not it is likely to cause damage to vehicles and consideration of whether the roadway is an arterial street or not
Also, an effort is made to complete projects in all five of the City’s wards on a regular basis.
*Long-term planning is based on the Pavement Management Analysis Report, an in-depth report on the condition of the city’s streets and how to best manage repairs and rehabilitation based on an analysis performed by IMS Infrastructure Management Services of Tempe, Arizona.
Street and Traffic Committee
The Street and Traffic Committee was created in 2011 to carry out educational activities in street and traffic matters, recommend the preparation and publication of street reports, receive citizen input, and act as an advisory board on the prioritization of street rehabilitation projects.
The committee also performs other functions related to other street matters, including recommendations of programs to the City Council and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations.
For questions and concerns about Bartlesville streets, including reports of potential safety hazards, call 918.338.4131.