Thank you for visiting the City of Bartlesville’s Stormwater Management Page!

Under the Oklahoma Department of Enviromental Services (OPDES) General Permit OKR04 for Phase II Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) (effective date: June 1, 2021), the City of Bartlesville is authorized to discharge pollutants to the Waters of the State in accordance with the conditions and requirements set forth in said permit, in compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Public Law 92-500, as amended, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.; as required under the Stormwater Phase II Rule at 40 CFR §122-124 and the provisions of the Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (OPDES) OAC 252:606-l-3(b)(3), incorporating by reference 40 CFR §122.26, 122.30-122.35.

OKR04 Permit Authorization No. OKR040027

Notice of Intent (NOI) Permit Renewal Application

2023 Annual Report

A Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) has been created to meet the requirements of the OKR04 General Permit for Phase II Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Discharges in the State of Oklahoma, for the purposes of reducing pollutants discharged from the MS4, protecting water quality, and satisfying applicable requirements of the Clean Water Act (CWA).  Comments and questions regarding the City’s SWMP may be submitted to the City’s Stormwater Manager via email to or by calling 918.338.4254.

In the sections below you will find detailed information regarding Construction Project Requirements, Public Education Materials, Volunteer Opportunities, and Other Ways You Can Help.  Please take a minute to check out all the different ways you can get involved to help protect our local waterways and make sure to:


Reports can be made via email to or by calling 918.338.4254 (Your name is not required to submit a report).

CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS – Stormwater Management Requirements for Contractors & Developers

Per the OKR04 requirements, the City has adopted ordinances as part of the municipal code, requiring the deployment of adequate sediment and erosion control measures on all construction sites for the purpose of prohibiting discharge of pollutants and sediment from construction sites and identifying penalties for non-compliance.



Public Education Materials


Volunteer Opportunities & Other Ways To Get Involved:

        1.  REPORT DUMPING VIOLATIONS                      STORMWATER HOTLINE (918)338-4254 

Clear and free-flowing streams, channels and storm drain inlets are necessary to maintain capacity and allow water to be removed quickly. It is illegal to fill, dump or dispose of any material in a ditch, stream, channel, or storm drain inlet. Disposal of grass clippings and other compost materials are prohibited, as is storage of firewood or any other types of obstructive materials or objects, in any ditches, channels or drainage way areas. Obstructions restrict capacity and slow the water, thus creating bottlenecks and backups.

To report violations please call the Stormwater Hotline at 918.338.4254, or you can also call the Engineering Department 918.338.4251 or Code Enforcement Department 918.338.4244 or send an email to Additional information can be found in Chapter 7 of Bartlesville Municipal Code.


Keep debris clear of all curb inlets, pipes, and drainage channels in your area and report areas of concern to the Engineering Department 918.338.4251.

For additional great ways you can help from home visit the Green Country Stormwater Alliance Resources for Homeowners Page


Blue Thumb has special teaching tools and a good deal of experience with education programs. Also check out the OSU Water Conservation Educators Page to learn about more educational resources available to you.


Did you know that our storm drain system flows directly into our streams, lakes, & creeks?  There’s a fast, easy way you can help educate others and help reduce the pollutants going into our drains & waterways.  If you are interested in marking some storm drains in your area please contact the City’s Stormwater Manager at (918) 338-4254.


Would you like to help monitor the water quality in one of our local streams, creeks, or ponds?  Through the Oklahoma Blue Thumb Stream Monitoring Program, volunteers are trained to routinely perform water quality monitoring at a mutually agreed upon location in the area.  These samples provide the City with information that helps determine progress in lowering pollutant levels and increasing the overall health of our waterways.  Volunteers may also choose to learn about and participate in biological monitoring and performing habitat assessments.

        6.  RECYCLING

                      HAZARDOUS WASTE ANNUAL EVENT

Operation Clean House is a multi-agency annual hazardous household waste recycling event that happens each Spring in conjunction with Earth Day.  This event gives area citizens an opportunity to dispose of hazardous household items such as pesticides, paints, electronics, fluorescent bulbs, pharmaceuticals, motor oil, antifreeze, car batteries, tires, & even appliances (with Freon-free certification) in an “environmentally-responsible manner” free of charge. For more information you can check out the Operation Clean House Facebook Page or call (918) 534-1170.

                      YEAR-ROUND RECYCLING CENTER

The City also has a year round recycling center located at 10th Street and Virginia Avenue.  The center serves as a permanent “host site” for Replenysh, a California-based company responsible for the recent expansion of local recycling options for Bartlesville residents. There are additional host sites around town as well accepting certain items.  See Replenysh’s Bartlesville Facebook page and Website for details. Also see the City’s Refuse & Recycling Page for more information.


Get a group of friends, family, or co-workers together and do a Stream Clean-Up Event. Gather your group to clean up trash along one of our waterways.  The City Stormwater Manager can help you select a site.


Groups and Organizations are encouraged to participate in the Adopt-A Stream Program by committing to clean a ½ mile to 1 mile portion of stream at least once every three months.  While participating in this program a sign with your group or organization’s name can be posted in the area recognizing participation in the program.


The Earth Day Network has many opportunities to get involved to help drive meaningful action for our planet across issues such as climate, conservation, pollution, and education.


For additional information or questions concerning City of Bartlesville’s Stormwater Management Program, please contact the Stormwater Manager, Shelley Charles, at or 918.338.4254.