Comp Plan: Interactive map online for public input

March 12, 2024

The City now has a new interactive map online for the public to provide site-specific comments and input on the city’s strengths and areas for improvement as it continues the process of updating its comprehensive plan for growth and development, Endeavor 2045.

The interactive map with instructions is found at the project website.

The City also continues to invite the public to complete the online survey.

The comprehensive plan is an initiative that was identified in the Bartlesville NEXT Strategic Plan, an organizational blueprint that outlines the City’s priorities, goals and action steps into the foreseeable future. Endeavor 2045 will replace Bartlesville’s current comprehensive plan, which was adopted in 1999. The new comprehensive plan will address topics such as land use, transportation, housing, economic development, infrastructure, parks and recreation, natural resources, environmental sustainability and more, with a focus on managing growth and enhancing quality of life.

For more information, see, or contact Greg Collins, Special Projects manager, at 918.338.4241 or