A five-member committee tasked with facilitating the update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan has reviewed more than a dozen proposals.
“We received 14 submittals from various companies across the country,” said Larry Curtis, director of Community Development. “These are each outstanding companies that saw Bartlesville was serious about updating its comprehensive plan and took the time to create a unique proposal for us. It’s very exciting that these companies want to partner with us as we move forward.”
Curtis said staff whittled the 14 proposals down to six, which were then reviewed by the committee, and two were ultimately selected by the committee for an interview. The committee plans to have a recommendation before City Council during its October meeting.
The City’s Comprehensive Plan is the long-range plan for the physical, social and economic development of the community, and which guides policy and decision making as the City moves forward over the next 20 to 30 years. The plan covers a wide range of topics, including economic development, land use and zoning, transportation, public safety and quality of life.
The City’s existing Comprehensive Plan was last updated in the 1990s. An update to that Comprehensive Plan was one of the projects proposed in the recently adopted Strategic Plan, which outlines the City’s vision, mission and values and identifies strategic priorities and key objectives that will guide City operations over the next three to five years.
“The vision for our organization is ‘A Leading Community by Choice,’” said City Manager Mike Bailey. “We chose that intentionally because we believe that Bartlesville got the way that it is by choice. Everything was intentional. This Comprehensive Plan is simply an extension of that as we continue to look at what we want Bartlesville to be.”
Curtis said the comprehensive plan will be developed with input from community members and stakeholders. The entire process is expected to take approximately a year to complete.