The restrooms at Daniels Soccer Fields, located at 2200 S.E. Adams Blvd., are closed indefinitely after a fire Monday morning completely totaled the facilities.
The fire is the second in recent days at City-owned park restrooms. Facilities in Johnstone Park, located near the Richard Kane YMCA, were also damaged but are being repaired.
“We were able to pressure wash the restrooms in Johnstone Park and should have it open by the end of the day,” Parks Superintendent Bobby Robinson said this morning. “But there is extensive damage to the Daniels Fields restrooms, so those facilities will be closed until a remodel can be done.”
It is unknown at this time when that will occur, Robinson said.
“We will need to get estimates on the damage and determine funding and manpower availability before we can say when the repairs can be made,” he said.
The cause of the fires is under investigation.