Charges will apply for TVs, CRT monitors, company says
Electronic Synergy Foundation will hold an electronic recycling event in Bartlesville on Sept. 17. Although most items can be disposed of at no cost, charges will apply for TVs and CRT monitors, says Scott Metzger, ESF executive director.
“I have been receiving many calls about our upcoming e-waste collection event in Bartlesville,” Metzger said. “This is a good thing; however nobody seems to be aware that we charge for TV recycling. This is a cause for concern because we want to ensure that these items are disposed of properly and that no one is surprised when they come to drop off their items.”
Metzger said the charges are $20 (each) for TVs and $10 (each) for CRT monitors. (LCD monitors are free.)
“We have to charge because we get charged for the TVs we send downstream to our recyclers,” he said.
The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Sooner Pool parking area, 420 S.E. Madison Blvd.
Acceptable materials in any age/condition/quantity are welcome and free to recycle. The event is open to businesses as well as individuals.
Accepted materials
- Computers
- Printers
- Microwave ovens
- Phones
- Office equipment
- Home entertainment devices
Prohibited items
- Anything bio-hazardous (dirty medical equipment)
- Items with Freon (refrigerators, air conditioners)
- Anything radioactive (such as smoke detectors)
- Light bulbs
ESF is a Tulsa non-profit electronic recycler that guarantees data destruction and environmentally friendly disposal for all material received. For more information, contact ESF at 918.951.3902.