Larry Curtis tapped to lead Community Development

January 17, 2023

The City of Bartlesville welcomed its newest member of the senior management team earlier this month with the addition of Larry Curtis, who has been named Community Development director.

“I am very happy to announce that Larry Curtis has been named Community Development director in the wake of Lisa Beeman’s retirement last fall,” said City Manager Mike Bailey. “The Community Development Department is critical to business development, quality of life, and the overall success of our community, so finding the right fit for our community was my highest priority. Larry is an outstanding candidate, and his philosophy and leadership styles are a great fit for our community and our organization. I look forward to the progress our community will make under his leadership.”

Curtis has worked in the public sector for more than a decade, most recently as Planning and Development director for the City of Broken Arrow. He also served as Planning Commission director for Rogers County and as a member of the Board of Directors for the Indian Nation Council of Governments. He is a certified floodplain manager and a member of the Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association. He currently serves as the treasurer for the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Planning Association.

Curtis graduated from The University of Tulsa College of Arts and Science with a bachelor of arts in Arts Management, and received his master of science degree in Architectural Urban Studies from the University of Oklahoma in May 2012.