Q&A: Tuesday Morning moves forward

July 13, 2021

What happened to the Tuesday Morning store that was supposed to go into the old KMart location?

According to the Community Development Department, the contractor on the Tuesday Morning project contacted the CDD in May to say the project, which had been stalled after the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, is back on track. CDD officials confirmed today that the construction permit is still active and that rough electrical and plumbing inspections were performed on June 17. Reportedly, the company hopes to be near construction completion by the end of September.

Recycle center still closed

When will the Recycle Facility reopen?

The City’s recycle center, located at 10th Street and Virginia Avenue, cannot be reopened until Tulsa Recycle and Transfer Center, which is where Bartlesville’s recycling is processed, reopens following repairs to their facility due to an April fire. City staff is awaiting notification from TRT of a target opening date but so far has not received any information to that effect. Of course, the City will issue a press release the minute more information is available and will post the information in City Beat and on the City’s website, www.cityofbartlesville.org, and Facebook page (City of Bartlesville GOV). In the meantime, City staff continue to explore other options for recycling service in Bartlesville.

Where is Popeye’s?

Is there any more information about Popeye’s?

No, there isn’t. It was reported in the April 13 edition of City Beat that the Community Development Department had been contacted by a general contractor on behalf of Popeye’s and that plans were moving forward with construction of a restaurant in Bartlesville, located at 1300 S.E. Washington Blvd. At that time, the CDD was awaiting plans for the restaurant. As of today, the CDD has received no further information from the contractor or the company.