Sooner Park pool, slides set to open June 3

May 29, 2024

The City-owned Sooner Pool, located at 420 S.E. Madison Blvd., will open to the public on Monday, June 3.

Frontier Pool, located at 312 S.W. Frank Phillips Blvd., opened last week, but the opening of Sooner Pool was delayed due to a water leak, which has since been repaired.

A swim meet that had been planned for this weekend will be allowed to proceed; however, the slides will not be operable until Monday, when the pool officially opens to the public.

“Frontier is open now and the pool and slides at Sooner will be ready for use on June 3,” said Public Works Director Keith Henry.

Sooner and Frontier pools are owned and maintained by the City but are managed and operated by the Richard Kane YMCA. For more information about pool programs and operations, visit