White Rose hosts Wreaths Across America

December 19, 2023

On Dec. 16, the second remembrance ceremony of Wreaths Across America was hosted at White Rose Cemetery.

The event, vetted and approved by the White Rose Cemetery Board, involves the laying of wreaths on the graves of U.S. veterans interred at the City-owned cemetery, which is located at 804 W. 11th Street.

According to White Rose Cemetery Board member Donna Copeland, 360 wreaths were laid this year.

“That’s an increase of 100 over last year,” Copeland said.

The goal is to honor all 800 veterans interred at White Rose, she said.

“Many thanks to the City staff under Parks Superintendent Bobby Robinson and White Rose Cemetery Director Shellie McGill for assistance with on-the-ground logistics and the mammoth records of grids and names,” Copeland said.

“Also, thanks to all who purchased wreaths, helped to mark the graves in advance and who helped to lay the wreaths. We highly encourage the community to drive to the cemetery throughout December to see the beautiful wreaths.”

For more information about White Rose Cemetery, see www.cityofbartlesville.org.